
Showing posts from March, 2018

reflection 7

            The video  documentary " The Line" was about stories of people across the country that is living or at the poverty line.  That is the first time that I have gotten to see what its really like on the other side. The sad part is this are incent people that were not born into that life just some event that happened unexpectedly that brought them to poverty. The one story that hit me the most was the single dad John. He had the best college education, was an A student and for good part of his life was making a six figure salary. Than the market crashed and he was jobless , his wife left him to raise his kids by him self.  But its not like he just stopped trying he went back to school to get a degree in elementary education and still didn't make ends meat because he could never get full time job.           This story of John triumphs over all the negative stereotypes about people that are poor and struggling.  He was not uneducated , he was willing to do anythi

Reflection 6

                                     The video  " Cracking the Codes: Joy DeGruy "A Trip to the Grocery Store"  sh owed how even in the era of 2018 , other groups of people that are not white are still being oppressed because of their skin color.This poor women with her own daughter stood in line watching her  half white and half black sister in law go through the check out line with no problem because the cashier was assuming that she was white more than black. Than once the "white" cashier had to help the  women that was more black than white. The "white" cashier attitude  completely changed and didn't help if the black women would  made big deal about what the cashier was doing , it would have escalated even more. But when the sister in law  that the cashier had seen as white said something that got everyone's attention. I've been to 'Safeway" before the cashier are not supposed to do that in front of the guest even if the t

Reflection 5

                  Over the course of history of the United States there have been and still are many groups that are still are being oppressed. Oppressed  defined by dictionary .com is  a subject to a burdensome or harsh exercise of authority or power. So really this means that one or more groups or people are treated in negative way either by their gender, thoughts or even the color of their skin.  But only one group comes to me that have and still are being oppressed is women as a whole. Women have been oppressed for years and years and even in the modern times they are still fighting.               Women have been fighting for their rights since the 20th century. During the moment that  time women were fighting for the right to vote and to gain the same equal rights as men. This was latter to be called the Feminism movement. Than later  women fought a second wave that had dealt with female reproductive rights. This one is still a huge issue for many women, especially that now m

Reflection 4

                                          The two articles " “ To Understand How Religion shapes America, Look at its history ” and “ Religious Persecution on the Rise: Minorities on the rise in the Middle East " where very interesting . If you don't know much about religion expect your own than this could be a real eye opener .  I personally always thought that any other country than the United states had religion problems. But after reading  different perspective than that could give you whole new understanding for the world around you instead of the small bubble that many of us many live in. I can see that the country that so many preach is not as wonderful as one is taught.  Personally never could perceive  that the United States could  have any problems similar to the Middle East.  It shows you have much reading can change a persons perspectives and outlook on life.                  To a person that lives in the United States may look at the Middle East