Reflection 4


                       The two articles "To Understand How Religion shapes America, Look at its history” and “Religious Persecution on the Rise: Minorities on the rise in the Middle East" where very interesting . If you don't know much about religion expect your own than this could be a real eye opener .  I personally always thought that any other country than the United states had religion problems. But after reading  different perspective than that could give you whole new understanding for the world around you instead of the small bubble that many of us many live in. I can see that the country that so many preach is not as wonderful as one is taught.  Personally never could perceive  that the United States could  have any problems similar to the Middle East.  It shows you have much reading can change a persons perspectives and outlook on life.

                 To a person that lives in the United States may look at the Middle East and think they are nothing like us and vice versa. In a way that's true, we have different cultural, speak many different languages and even have different political and moral views but doesn't mean that don't suffer from the same problems. both United States and The Middle East have struggled with oppression of religion. yes in my personal options the Middle East struggle with that little more. The Middle East because they have history of many invades over history that have come over and committed murder just because those people in that region didn't believe have the same religion as them. Example Europeans during the Crusades came over to the Middle East  and slandered many Muslims and other non Christian Faiths. But doesn't mean that The united sates doesn't have religious Oppression. Currently now in united in the land of freedom the own government points out the religions that are not "supposedly' the right religion. That really questions if American is the land of Freedom.

             Personally the videos contained information and observations that I think that many individuals should know. Like don't teach your children to judge someone based on skin and religion. That's what's wrong with the world an adult teaches their child to hate and than that child has children and the cycle repeats.  Another observation was that religion is ones choosing and that what ever religion you practice or preach is not better or worse than any other religion. The real lesson to learn is the world is big and diverse no one is going to be the same.



  1. I agree with your comment that from the videos we should learn to teach our children to not judge people based on their skin color or religious beliefs, as these thing have nothing to do with who they are as a person.

  2. I agree with your reflection as well. Both America and the Middle East are going through at least some type of religious oppression. But, the Middle East is definitely much more severe with it's strict religious regulations and severe punishments. Where as Americans most likely will protest what their religion is, (usually without violence).


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