Reflection 6

                     The video  "Cracking the Codes: Joy DeGruy "A Trip to the Grocery Store"  showed how even in the era of 2018 , other groups of people that are not white are still being oppressed because of their skin color.This poor women with her own daughter stood in line watching her  half white and half black sister in law go through the check out line with no problem because the cashier was assuming that she was white more than black. Than once the "white" cashier had to help the  women that was more black than white. The "white" cashier attitude  completely changed and didn't help if the black women would  made big deal about what the cashier was doing , it would have escalated even more. But when the sister in law  that the cashier had seen as white said something that got everyone's attention. I've been to 'Safeway" before the cashier are not supposed to do that in front of the guest even if the think somethings wrong with the check.. This cashier just assume because she was not white that she was bad. Personally I hope this cashier lost her job, that's  is really unacceptable.

                This video can be tied in to the chapters 5 and 8 of Koppelman's  book because he talks about racism and oppression of no white groups that are oppressed and white privilege. Her sister in law was part of the white privilege and the women that explained the situation, her and her daughter was the group that were oppressed. The cashier was clearly was a pale white women that had very raciest assumptions  and thoughts. Personally I know that if I had witnessed any situation that poor women had to go through,I would have said something and when others see that they should have helped too. But some will not say anything because they feel they should not get involved or that would not make a difference. But if any one sees any kind  of oppression of any group in this age it should be stopped.


  1. I too hope the cashier lost her job. What she did is ridiculous. If I was there, I would have definitely said something. I think some people are too afraid to speak up when they witness racism, but they need to get over it and say something so they can make a change.

  2. I agree with you. If I was in anyone's position at the scene I would have stepped up and said something but I can try to understand why others would not. I would love to see people be brave and stand up to injustice. I, too, hope that the cashier lost job.


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