Reflection 8

                  The "Sticky Floor" refers to women who occupy low-paying, low-mobility positions such as clerical and administrative assistants, mental health-care and child-care workers, and service and maintenance employees. Women still bear the burden of household chores and caretaking responsibilities, which often either excludes them from pay work or leaves them relegated to ill-paid part-time jobs. While men spend 16 hours doing domestic chores such childcare and household task and women spend more than 26 hours doing the same task. That is just in the UK, but in other countries the  statics are much higher. But  as women in both the UK and Argentina are fighting for these statistics to change, it doesn't seem to make to advance as much as many women would like. They are still stuck in hours of household domestic chores.

         Currently the U.K is creating a new path for gender equality.  The UK advertising are putting a banned on commercials or advertisements  that will promote any gender stereotypes . Such as the " Mr. Muscle " commercial that was on TV.  This commercial promoted  the man as  a strong  sexy  hero because he could unclog a drain for the weak housewife. To be honest that commercial was very cheesy.   In  advertisements Women are pitching hygiene  and cleaning proudest as men get ads for banks, credit cards , housing , cars and other financial investments. I bet if other countries around the world saw new commercials or promotions  were the gender roles are switched around that they would take that influence to make their own creative promotions. I mean maybe instead of a women promoting tampons, a male could do that.

         There has always been sexism in the work place, education, social media and even the healthcare. Really I believe that the only the reason that there is such a think of sexism is because somewhere in history someone though this is how  women should act and do in life and vi versa with men. The way we can eliminate is sexism is don't teach are children from the day they are old enough to understand this is the characterizes  of your sex and don't buy into the gender role toys. If your male child wants to play with a doll than let him play with e doll. Even American Girl Doll creators have though ahead and released a new line of dolls that even boys could play with. One the first American Boy Doll came out parents started buying the doll for their sons and they have all loved the male doll.


  1. I agree with just about everything you said. There are stereotypes almost everywhere we look, and it's time to put a stop to this madness. These children don't need to be brainwashed with stereotypes, more women should be working while the men stay at the house with the kids, and men should be in the advertising industry for tampons.

  2. I was amazed when they came out with a doll for boys. When companies do these types of things it actually does catch people's attention and gets other companies to do the same thing


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